How to make a book like the ones seen in bookstores

You're looking for information on how to make a book, right? At the same time, this quest of yours involves something more. Your interest is not only in being able to publish your texts, novels, poems, essays or your thesis, but also in how to make a book like those seen in bookstores.

That's why I created this article. Stay with me and I'll explain the stages of preparing the originals until the moment it becomes a book.

Before you start reading, however, it would be a good idea to have a notebook at hand or open a file to write down the points that most catch your attention. Because this subject presents several stages of knowledge about how to make a book and they are all significant.

Now, I'm going to give you precious guidelines that will be very useful. Just follow me.

Fundamental condition for publishing a book

A fundamental condition for publishing your book

Publishing a book requires investment, starting with the time the author dedicated to research, meditating on his ideas and the actual writing process. When the original is ready under the author's eyes, the concern arises with finding a publisher who will accept and promote his work [see the article in which I discuss this subject: the three ways to publish]. This is a delicate moment for anyone who wants to write a book like those seen in bookstores.

Don't be seduced by wild promises. Be wary of those who promise worlds and funds. It is very important to stay alert and not fall into traps. To make a book like those seen in bookstores, you will need to work with specialized professionals, an essential condition to guarantee a good result for your publication. I will explain below why it is so important for you to seek the work of experts in the field.

Professionals specialized in the publishing market

The author has his text, his manuscripts, in his hands. So, he goes in search of a publisher, sometimes thinking that the process is almost straightforward: a text accepted by an editor soon turns into a book, perhaps imagining that it only needs a few notes from a reviewer. However, for the original to become a book it needs to go through different stages.

Given the need for rigor and criteria in this process, there is an entire operating system for publishers and, in a larger circle, the publishing market. One of the established norms is the fact that publishers hire qualified professionals to form their staff. In this case, we mention here those who work directly in the editing procedures. They are: the editor, the translator, the text preparer, the proofreader, the illustrator, the diagrammer, the captain, among other functions. What is their profile?

In general terms, we can say that they are people who have a good university education, are able to communicate with ease, understand and write Portuguese well, and in some cases other languages. Necessarily, they like to read and dedicate themselves to a variety of readings, seeking to expand their cultural repertoire, even because these activities are part of their daily work.

To create a book like the ones seen in bookstores, it is important to turn to experts. My tip, therefore, is that you research carefully and only hand over your originals to a qualified professional, who works alongside a team that is also careful. It may be, for example, that your text requires a readjustment of focus, or arrangement of chapters, and then this professional will recommend a good editor, someone prepared to provide critical dialogue. It may be essential to interfere a lot in the language, which requires a copy editor or text preparer. There will necessarily be a review stage. There are, in short, several methods until the production of the book cover and sending it to the printer. And then the launch, the long-awaited launch!

For everything I've described so far, producing a book like those in bookstores is an initiative that must be well thought out. The best results will only come if you are careful and don't venture out. There are so many dubious promises published on internet sites that, faced with the anxiety of being published, many writers fall into traps. I always remind my clients that the book (especially the physical one) is a permanent record. Imagine a print run of a thousand copies of a poorly made or error-filled book. What happens? This problem is recorded there in the work, printed a thousand times.

frog reading book


In this article, I tried to demonstrate how to make a book by drawing your attention to some fundamental items. In all cases, you need to be calm to discern the investment that the project requires. As I explained, a well-finished book involves the work of several professionals. All of them are able to do their job well because they spent years studying and developed daily experience, day after day in a publishing house. That's why I surrounded myself with only the best professionals in the publishing market. Only people I really trust.

In fact, the growing changes in the globalized world have affected the publishing market. Thus, there is a significant number of professionals in this field who have gained a lot of experience working internally. And these are the professionals I want close to SGuerra Design.

So, be careful and try to write a book only when you find specialized professionals. They will certainly help you materialize your best ideas into the book you want. This is a measure that will only help you to have a great publication and the development of your authorial trajectory. Good luck!

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