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Text review done by book professionals

The only page that does not need proofreading is the blank one

All books need a good proofreading. Even those written by Portuguese teachers or even other text reviewers.

When you are the author of a text, you automatically become addicted to it. Your eyes start not to notice the simplest mistakes to the most grotesque.

Hiring a good proofreader, who is truly a professional in the editorial field, is the best investment you can make.

SGuerra Design only has proofreaders already working in the publishing market, therefore, they are professionals in the field, who proofread texts every day. And believe me, for a good review, it is very important that the professional experiences this on a daily basis, as only eyes trained for this profession are capable of finding problems where laypeople would never pay attention.

Text review done by book professionals

Text review with special values ​​for independent authors

Text review for booksWhen hiring our services, you will have your text analyzed on the following points:

  • Adjustments to grammatical constructions, in order to make the text more consistent and intelligible;
  • Correction of grammatical and linguistic errors, with special attention to punctuation, such as commas, quotation marks, semicolons and much more;
  • Review of narrative, vocabulary and general structure;
  • Checking for spelling and consistency errors;
  • You have full control over the suggested changes, being able to accept them or not, directly in your Word file;
  • Respect your style as an author.

Why review my book with SGuerra Design?


Using self-publishing is a way to get your book to market faster than if it were done through a traditional publisher. In general, your book will be ready in a maximum of 15 days, if it is not a very long book.


Our team is made up of reviewers working in the publishing market. Therefore, you will be producing your book with professionals who provide this same service to traditional publishers. In other words, your book will not owe anything to the books in bookstores.


All corrections are made to your file with clear markings about what was changed. If you don't agree, simply delete the correction. Everything is very simple and very clear, so you can maintain full control of your text.